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Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Got it!!

This day started out as a normal day, doing the usual Sunday things. I got up, got dressed and headed to church. Service was great and my amazing friend and co-ministry worker joined me with her boyfriend. I went shopping and grabbed a bite to eat.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted and upset. This is the time where all the bad thoughts and feelings start affecting my mood. When I'm tired, my frustration is apparent.

As I lay down, doing some general writing, IT hit me, I GOT IT!

I realized that, as pastor said in his message this morning, I have to JUST DO IT! I think it's come to the point where I have to stop complaining, let go of fear and just take a step (or more) in faith.

I have so many ideas, projects and events I want to work on and due to this fear, they stay just that; ideas, projects and events. What are some things you want to accomplish? What holds you back?

I am again taken to the word. Faith without works is dead. Believing something can be done and actually doing it are two completely different things.

I am happy to announce that I am taking a few steps towards my goals (Help me pray <3)and I am not giving up. Whether I fail or succeed, I will be happy knowing I took those steps.

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