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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I thought I was done... Why me?


So I just came back from an overnight retreat with my fellow co-workers and I had a great time but, most importantly, I was reminded why I do what I do and who I do it for.

Over the summer, I started trying out different things and I became very intrigued by the fact that there's so much out there but I've yet to experience any of it. I started to pursue photography, videography, YouTube and  a couple of things that have to do with entertainment.

I also, started to doubt my passion for teaching. I began to think about my life and how I want to be out there exploring the world and living the "American dream" of becoming rich and famous (I love to act and I LOVE to dance).

I started to think back to my childhood and how I was never pushed towards pursuing my own dreams. I did want to be a teacher but I wanted to also be a choreographer (If I brought that up it was quickly dismissed as silly). Being brought up in a Christian household, I was told that nothing good would come of dancing and it would lead me to hell. All I ever wanted was a pat on the back for a great choreographed piece or a good job for a great freestyle but I wasn't even allowed to dance in my home because it was "wrong".

This all lead me to my students. Why am I the one God put in this position? Why, even after I didn't want to continue to teach, does God continue to show me that I belong there? Why?

I believe that we have to teach according to our experiences. If we touch something hot and get burned, we will teach others to stay away from what burned us. I also believe that God allows us to experience certain things, not only for our benefit but so that we can pass it on to others.

Now the whole point of my rambling is as follows:

1. Never hold back on your dreams. Give them your all. You fail? Good! You failed at something but you gave it your all.

2. Never hold anyone else back from fulfilling their dreams. They may have to live with a life full of regrets and, speaking from experience, it's not a great way to live.

3. If God places you somewhere, be your best, give your best and do your best. You are the best you that you can be and that is why God chose you!

I can still pursue these dreams and I will! But along the way, I will use my talents and my abilities in ways that can be motivating and encouraging to others. I want to share my life with others so that they can follow their dreams. I will use what God gives me to help bring out what God puts in them.

We were asked on the retreat "If, come June, we were to pass away, what would we want to leave standing?" as far as the students are concerned. My answer was this: I want my students to empty their all on this earth. I want them to be able to give their all, share their all, live life to the most that they can. I want them to be able to look back and say 'I tried my hardest' whether they succeed or fail. I want them to dream big and live those dreams.

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